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Fire-Prevention and Protection Engineers

Career Cluster

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Focuses on laboratory services, testing, and research. In this field, you will plan, manage, and conduct scientific research.

Learn more about this cluster

At a glance

Recommended education
Recommended education
For this career, most jobs require this level of education. It may be possible to qualify for some jobs without this level of education. Recommendation provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Bachelor's Degree
Projected growth
Projected growth

This is the expected change in employment for this career in the selected county or state. For example, if a career is expected to double from 100 jobs to 200 jobs, this would show 100%. Due to how projected growth is reported, similar careers may show the same percentage.

These numbers represent the latest 10-year projection period (2018-2028). Data is provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.


Expected pay range

Expected pay range

This represents the median earnings for this career in the selected county or state. In the range shown, 25% of workers earned less than the bottom salary and 25% earned more than the top salary. Data is provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.

Monthly cost of living

These numbers give you an idea of how much you can spend each month on common expenses with this salary. Percentages are the average a person with no children spends according to data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (external link opens new tab) These numbers are a starting point and will differ person to person.

Monthly income (before taxes)
Housing (33%)
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on rent or mortgage, utilities, home or renters insurance, and home improvements. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Transportation (17%)
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on car payments, auto insurance, public transportation, and ride shares, Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Food (13%)
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on groceries and preparing meals at home. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Savings and retirement (12%)
Savings and retirement
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on 401(k), emergency funds, and life insurance. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Education and loans (10%)
Education and loans
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on continuing education and student loan debt. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Use the federal student loan estimator to estimate loan payments.
Healthcare and wellness (8%)
Healthcare and wellness
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on health insurance, co-pays, fitness memberships, and supplements. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Entertainment (5%)
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on shopping, dining out, and leisure activities. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Other expenses (2%)
Other expenses
This represents the average percentage of monthly income spent on clothing, personal care, and services. Data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Your actual expenses may differ from those listed. You’ll need to account for the amount taken out in taxes each month. Learn more about income tax expenses. (external link opens new tab) Your student loan payments may also differ. To calculate your student loan payments, use the federal student loan repayment estimator. (external link opens new tab)

About fire-prevention and protection engineers

Find programs for this career
What they do

Research causes of fires, determine fire protection methods, and design or recommend materials or equipment such as structural components or fire-detection equipment to assist organizations in safeguarding life and property against fire, explosion, and related hazards.

Other titles

Consulting Engineer, Engineer, Fire Protection Consultant, Fire Protection Engineer (FP Engineer), Licensed Fire Protection Engineer

Licenses and Certifications they may hold

How to decide which one is right? That depends on an individual’s career path, specialty, and resources.


Certifications may be available for this career and can help build knowledge and skills in specific job roles. Explore available certifications (external link opens new tab)

Similar careers

View careers in the same field as fire-prevention and protection engineers.

Fire Inspectors and Investigators

Inspect buildings to detect fire hazards and enforce local ordinances and state laws, or investigate and gather facts to determine cause of fires and explosions.

Construction and Building Inspectors
Better pay

Median salary for this career is higher than the median salary of all careers in the county selected. Salary data is provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.

In demand

In demand careers have high-growth, high-demand, and emerging jobs critical to Texas. They are based on economic indicators like in demand industries, labor market trends, and economic conditions, provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.

Inspect structures using engineering skills to determine structural soundness and compliance with specifications, building codes, and other regulations. Inspections may be general in nature or may be limited to a specific area, such as electrical systems or plumbing.

Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists
Better pay

Median salary for this career is higher than the median salary of all careers in the county selected. Salary data is provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.

In demand

In demand careers have high-growth, high-demand, and emerging jobs critical to Texas. They are based on economic indicators like in demand industries, labor market trends, and economic conditions, provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.

Enforce fire regulations, inspect forest for fire hazards, and recommend forest fire prevention or control measures. May report forest fires and weather conditions.

Occupational Health and Safety Specialists

Review, evaluate, and analyze work environments and design programs and procedures to control, eliminate, and prevent disease or injury caused by chemical, physical, and biological agents or ergonomic factors. May conduct inspections and enforce adherence to laws and regulations governing the health and safety of individuals. May be employed in the public or private sector.